a family playing a game of jenga

What skills do I need to adopt?

Many children who need adoptive families have experienced some degree of neglect, and/or physical, emotional or sexual abuse in their early lives, but whatever their circumstances, all of these children will have experienced the loss and grief of being separated from their birth families. Their past experiences will affect their behaviour and development in a variety of ways. For example, some children will express their feelings through challenging behaviours such as tantrums and aggression, or show quite the opposite and be very withdrawn.

These children need lots of extra attention and the love and stability of a new family, in many cases, is all that is needed to help these children thrive and reach their greatest potential. However, some may need extra support in the form of specialist therapies to help them come to terms with their past.

At Nugent Adoption we are looking for people with all sorts of skills to adopt all sorts of children. These could include:

  • People who can communicate with children and see the world through their eyes and who have had some experience with children.

  • People who will value and understand a child’s past experiences and empathise with their trauma and loss.

  • People who are adaptable and emotionally strong.

  • People who will learn and seek support.

  • People who will commit to a child through good and bad times.

  • People who are patient, sensitive, flexible, energetic and have a sense of humour!

To find out more about adoption, please contact a member of our friendly team on:
Tel – 01744 613 041
Email – adoption@wearenugent.org

We look forward to hearing from you.

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Our story

Nugent Adoption is a registered and approved Voluntary Adoption Agency located in the North West of England. Nugent became a Registered Adoption Agency in 1943; therefore we have been involved in placing children for adoption for 80 years.

We provide a welcoming team of professional and dedicated social work staff who are experienced in all areas of adoption. Our aim is to increase the opportunities for children who have experienced a difficult start, to enjoy a positive, safe and secure family life.

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