a girl and a woman at a festival

Why we chose Nugent Adoption

“We had always wanted to be parents. We wanted a family. We knew our path would lead to adoption but thankfully we didn’t have to look too far for the perfect agency. We just kept on bumping into the Nugent Adoption team at various events.

So, when the time was right for us we approached them. It was the open, friendly and supportive nature of the full team that made us pick them. We just knew Nugent would make our dreams come true. We were allocated a wonderful social worker who really got to know us. They made the whole process easier and less complicated. We both worried about the intrusiveness of the process but actually, it wasn’t intrusive at all as we had a great rapport with our dedicated social worker. We sailed through the process and were matched quickly.

We now have our family but thanks to the great post-adoption support we know we can call upon Nugent whenever we need to.”

Lucy and Tony

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Our story

Nugent Adoption is a registered and approved Voluntary Adoption Agency located in the North West of England. Nugent became a Registered Adoption Agency in 1943; therefore we have been involved in placing children for adoption for 80 years.

We provide a welcoming team of professional and dedicated social work staff who are experienced in all areas of adoption. Our aim is to increase the opportunities for children who have experienced a difficult start, to enjoy a positive, safe and secure family life.

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